A safety net for human error

Human error can lead to awkward confusion between clients and your salon staff.

Human error happens and this can lead to awkward moments with clients.

“92% of salon receptionists admitted they have accidentally booked a client in for the wrong day”- Slick Survey Feb 2021

Did the client say they wanted 10am or 11am? Was it the 21st or 31st? Argh! You can’t really hear the client with the hairdryer blasting in the background but you don’t want to keep asking them to repeat themselves!

When a client books in with your receptionist or stylist, mistakes can happen! Let’s face it- we all make mistakes every day!

They might give you a date / time they can’t actually do! Your team might have misheard them! It’s nobody’s fault!

Honest mistakes can cause frustration on both sides:

  • The client turns up for the booking they thought they made but they are 3 days early! #awkward
  • You call the client asking when they will arrive for their 11am but they are at home still as they thought it was in 3 days time! #awkward

A safety net to prevent honest mistakes

Sending a client a digital appointment card is a safety net so that both parties know the time and date of the appointment!

If a mistake has been made, it’s better to find this out ASAP and we can avoid the awkward situation of a client turning up to find out their appointment isn’t for another 4 days!

Think of Digital Appointment cards as your salon’s safety net!

These cards get automatically sent out by the system 5 minutes after a booking is created.

Sent straight to their mobile they can check the appointment time/date is correct and add it straight to their phone’s calendar!

But we do this already with paper cards?

  • Mistakes happen on paper! Like your text reminders, Slick Digital Appointment get sent using real-time data so no mistakes- guaranteed!
  • Paper cards are more expensive! 10p for a paper card vs 6p for a text. Saving pennies? Go digital.
  • How many of your appointment cards are at the bottom of a handbag?! All of them!
  • Go green! Save trees and ditch the cards in favour of a digital solution. You got rid of a paper diary years ago so why use paper still?

Speak to Customer Support today to get your business set up with Digital Appointment cards!

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