The secret tip from successful salons

Find out what top salons are doing to let them earn £4k more than you a month!

Want £4k on average MORE per month? This blog is for you!

With cost of living going up and our energy bills increasing, it is vital that we make sure our salon is profitable.

Fixed costs (rent, wages, bills, utilities) make up on average 80% of a salon’s costs. This means that to be profitable we need to make sure we fill every available appointment.

A full diary is a full till. A full till will pay our bills!

Some salons have already filled their till with an extra £4k per month! We analysed the data from 2 groups of salons

  • those that offered bookings by phone only
  • those that offered bookings by phone AND Book Now button on Instagram and Facebook!

What does this magic button look like?

Those using Instagram Book Now buttons took on average £4k more than those using phone only!

On your Instagram search for these handles and you can see their Book Now button





Hear from @Luxfords on how this has changed their business

How does this help?

Do you buy, order or book things when you get home from work?

Of course you do- we all do! We can’t organise our personal lives when we work so we do it in the evening.

Your clients do the same. They want to book when they are in the pyjamas on the sofa.

They scroll through Instagram and see a look they like. This reminds them they need a refresh.

They call the salon but because its 9pm, nobody answers. They make a note to call tomorrow but tomorrow they are back at work and the booking is lost.

Instagram makes it easy for them to book 24/7.

This means that clients can book when it suits them and you never lose a booking.

More bookings means an extra £4k in your till! It’s that simple.

I want one. What do I do?

It’s easy and takes minutes! Your Slick Business Coach will:

  • Connect your Slick diary to Instagram and/or Facebook
  • Set up SlickPay to protect you from no-shows / cancellations
  • Customise the button with your logo, your timings and your rules.

I’m scared I’ll lose control

Salon owners and receptionists like you built this so you can trust your fellow owners that you stay in control

  • You choose which services are bookable. We recommend you start with cuts & blowdries
  • You choose with staff are bookable. We recommend you start with junior staff only
  • Clients can only book available slots.
  • Timings and services are set by you.
  • No gaps: the system works like a receptionist to ensure so empty gaps are left
  • You receive SMS and in-product notifications when someone books so you can check its working

What have you got to lose? It could be worth £4k a month to your business!

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