Top 5 tips on motivating staff

Here are 5 top Salon HR tips that you can use in your salon to keep staff happy and motivated.

5 easy ways to incentivise your team

Finding and retaining staff is an issue faced by salons up and down the country. It might feel like it’s out of your control but there are steps you can take to help incentivise and motivate your staff to encourage them to stay. When staff feel valued and recognised for their hard work it creates an environment where everyone feels supported and determined to work together to achieve the same goals.

Compensate your staff

One of the easiest ways you can incentivise your staff is through putting more money in their pocket!

The easiest and most cost-effective way is through tips! Everyone loves a tip!

With cash usage declining, tips have been hard to come by over the last few years but thankfully Slick has a solution!

The card reader prompts the client to leave a tip during checkout. No awkward asking for a tip!

The tip is sent directly to the staff member's bank account which means they pay no national insurance and you have no admin!

The best part is the prompt increases tips. Some staff saw a £160 increase in 1 month!

Recognise your staff

It’s easy to get stuck in the day-to-day running of your salon and become easily disconnected from your staff but it’s important to make sure you’re communicating effectively.

Use Staff KPI Tracking to share how the team are performing and celebrate the successes

If you don’t do it already a monthly team meeting is a chance to get all your staff together and talk about the salon.

Use it to update them with upcoming news about the business and share any goals you want to achieve and provide updates on the progress of these. This keeps staff in the loop and helps them feel as though they’re an important part of the salon’s success and future.

Tell them how you feel

Don’t forget to find the time to let your staff know you appreciate them. All too often we can get bogged down in the day-to-day running of things that we forget to tell people how we feel, assuming they know it already. But don’t take anything for granted and put in reminders to say thank you to your staff; why not praise them for something specific they’ve done or send them a handwritten note telling them you appreciate them being part of the team?

Reward your staff

We mentioned earlier about compensating staff but you can also find fun ways to reward their hard work. Using a leaderboard with a prize for those who top it encourages staff to work hard knowing there’s a reward at the end. Leaderboards can be set up to track things like whoever sells the most products in a month or who gets the most positive client feedback. Plus a little healthy competition between staff can help make your salon a fun place to work.

You can also reward your staff’s hard work by arranging social events where you can come together as a team away from the salon. This is a chance to get to know one another on a personal level and help deepen your relationships with one another. Having these connections makes for a positive working environment where staff want to help and support each other. Why not arrange staff lunches and social evenings or make a point to celebrate birthdays? If you can contribute money and pay something towards these your staff will always appreciate it.

Give staff clear targets to work towards

Staff tend to leave salons when they either feel like they’re not appreciated or feel like their work no longer inspires or challenges them. Keeping staff motivated can be tricky, especially if they’ve been working with you for a long time but setting actionable goals and targets can help staff feel inspired wherever they are in their career.

You can set up Slick so that staff can view their own reports and KPIs. This means they feel empowered and work towards a goal and stay motivated.

Next steps

If you haven’t already, check out how to set up Slick KPI Tracking for your staff and Slick Tipping

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